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PNB Bank Clerk, SO , PO Recruitment | Model Papers, Result, Dates, Vacancies, Selection, Admit Card, Question Paper and Exam Pattern

3875.5k+ Students Enrolled Last updated on Aug 1, 2023


This blog provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in PBN Bank's recruitment process, encompassing diverse job categories such as Probationary Officer (PO), Clerk, and various specialized positions. From announcing vacancies to obtaining admit cards and understanding the recruitment process, this blog serves as a valuable guide for individuals aspiring to join PNB Bank. Delve into the details and gain insights into eligibility criteria, examination specifics, and key aspects of each job category. Stay informed and up-to-date with this essential resource to navigate the path toward a rewarding career with PNB Bank.

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The Punjab National Bank (PNB) has recently announced recruitment for a range of positions including PO, Clerk, Security Officer, Assistant, and Manager, comprising a total of 240 vacancies. This development brings positive tidings to candidates actively engaged in preparing for Punjab National Bank's recruitment process. Concurrently, the application window for Bank of India's PO, Clerk, Security Officer, Assistant, and Manager Recruitment has commenced, allowing eligible aspirants to complete their application submissions within the stipulated deadline.

The PNB SO Recruitment 2024 initiative stands as a testament to Punjab National Bank's commitment to excellence and innovation within the banking sector. Aspiring candidates now have the chance to harness their expertise and join the ranks of Specialist Officers, contributing significantly to PNB's continued success and growth trajectory. 

Bank Name Punjab National Bank (PNB)
Recruitment Posts Clerks, Probationary Officers (PO), Specialist Officers( SO), Various Posts
Recruitment Frequency Periodic (Depends on vacancies)
Official Website
Eligibility Criteria Varies based on the position; generally, graduation
Age Limit Varies based on the position; typically 20 to 30 years
Selection Process Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, Interview (PO),


Job Categories Opening At PNB Bank 

Specialist Officer (SO): Specialist Officers are professionals with expertise in specific fields such as IT, HR, Marketing, Law, Finance, and more. They bring specialized skills to enhance and manage specific functions within the bank.

Probationary Officer (PO): Probationary Officers undergo training to handle various banking operations, customer interactions, and administrative tasks. They are typically on probation during their initial period of service.

Clerk (Office Assistant/Junior Associate): Clerks play a crucial role in daily banking activities. They handle customer inquiries, assist with account management, process transactions, and provide support to other banking functions.

Manager & Officer: Managers and Officers hold various positions of responsibility within the bank. These roles can encompass different departments such as operations, finance, marketing, and more. Managers often supervise teams and contribute to strategic decision-making.

Peon: Peons perform general support tasks within the bank, including maintenance, record-keeping, and assisting staff. This role involves tasks that help ensure the smooth functioning of the bank's operations.

Manager (Security): Managers in the security department are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the bank's premises, assets, and personnel. They manage security protocols and may coordinate with law enforcement agencies when necessary.



Frequently Asked Question

1. How can I apply for PNB Bank job vacancies?

Ans. - You can apply for PNB Bank job vacancies by visiting the official PNB website or the recruitment portal specified in the official notification.

2. What are the eligibility criteria for PO and Clerk positions at PNB Bank?

Ans. - Eligibility criteria vary based on the position. Generally, candidates need to meet educational qualifications (usually graduation), age limits, and other specified criteria.

3. How can I get information about PNB Bank recruitment notifications?

Ans. - You can regularly check the official PNB website for recruitment notifications. Additionally, you can subscribe to their email alerts or follow their official social media accounts for updates.

4. When can I expect the PNB Bank admit card for the recruitment exam?

Ans. - Admit cards are usually released a few weeks before the examination date. Keep an eye on the official PNB website for updates regarding the admit card release.

5. How will I be informed about the exam date and venue?

Ans. - Exam date, time, and venue details are typically provided on the admit card. Make sure to regularly check the official PNB website for any updates regarding the examination schedule.

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